Monday, December 30, 2019

The Benefit of a Workplace Fraternization Policy

The Benefit of a Workplace Fraternization PolicyThe Benefit of a Workplace Fraternization PolicyDo you think you need a fraternization policy for your workplace? Many employers avoid a fraternization policy (also referred to as a dating policy, workplace romance policy, or a non-fraternization policy) because they believe an employees private life should be kept private. Heres the problem with this notion. Employees need some direction about what is acceptable workplace behavior. Workers dont want to unknowingly cross a boundary line that results in injuring their work status and career. Savvy employees understand that some policies in their workplace are unwritten, but all employees are entitled to understand workplace norms. Beyond the employee, a fraternization policy is even more significant for the employer. Employees need to be informed as to what behavior is deemed inappropriate so they can be trained accordingly. This needs to take place in advance of you taking action to dea l with an adverse situation that affects your workplace. Private Versus Public Relationships You might think that employee friendships and romantic relationships only affect the private lives of those involved. If you believe this, you are wrong. A dating relationship, especially one that goes awry, can have a very damaging effect on other employees and disrupt workplace harmony. Workplace horror stories abound of dating couples screaming at each other, arguing in the middle of the break room, and throwing staplers at each other. Managers Who Date Employees Managers who are dating or romantically involved with a subordinate is never a good idea. Its not good for the company, the manager, the employee, or the employees coworkers. Its badeanstalt news all around. And this holds for employees who date managers in another department. The relationship, or frequently former relationship, limits how you as a manager can promote, or utilize the talents of, a subordinate. Either spar ks of favoritism will fly, or youll go the other direction and purposely not promote an employee who deserves it to avoid showing favoritism. Also, consider for a moment how it would look during a discrimination lawsuit if you fired an employee who you had an affair with. Theres also the matter of having to deal with a sexual harassment suit for an affair that began as a consensual relationship but spirals down to a question of non-consent. One California court even decided that a boss-reporting staff member relationship amounted to sexual harassment for the employees coworkers. Beyond the Law, Dating at Work Complicates Things Beyond the issue of two consenting single adults, there is also the issue of extramarital affairs in the workplace. These situations can have a severely negative impact on the affected family members, disapproving coworkers, and the discomfort that inevitably ensues at employee gatherings and events. These are the big-ticket issues, and they do not even t ake into consideration the day-to-day nonsense of stolen kisses, giggling in meetings, inappropriate touching, and time wasted instant messaging romantic emojis. Its merely common sense and good business to implement a specific, employee-friendly, fraternization policy that spells out the limits and parameters in todays workplace. A goodfraternization policy is key to workplace harmony and will honor the rights of both employees and employers.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Had a Long Period of Unemployment 4 Strategies to Get Back to Work

Had a Long Period of Unemployment 4 Strategies to Get Back to WorkHad a Long Period of Unemployment 4 Strategies to Get Back to WorkHow to Find a Job After a Long Period of UnemploymentOne sad reality of the job market today is that the long-term unemployed get a raw deal. The longer youve been out of work, the harder it is to find a job.By some estimates, those who have been unemployed for six months or longer must send out 3.5 times as many resumes as those who have been unemployed for less than six months.There are a number of reasons why people end up unemployed for lengthy periods of time, from being downsized to returning to school to taking time off to care for a loved one.Unfortunately, employers dont tend to view the situation with much nuance. They see a long gap in employment history, and they immediately assume the worst.This is elend to say that the long-term unemployed can never bounce back. With some smart maneuvering, its possible to return to the workforce no matter how long youve been gone.Here are four tips to get you started on the way to a new job after six months or mora of unemployment1.Address the GapIts true that your employment gap is your worst enemy, but you cant hide it. Your new employer is more likely than not to find out about your fib, and they wont hesitate to boot you for it. No one likes a liar, especially not as an employee.You dont have to reserve a spot on your resume for the gap. Simply include accurate dates in your work history.Use your cover letter to get out ahead of the gap by explicitly mentioning it. Dont dwell on it your cover letter should mainly be used to make a case for why youre a good fit.Inserting 2-3 sentences to acknowledge the gap and briefly summarize how you spent your time during unemployment is enough. You can offer a more in-depth story about your time unemployed during phone screenings and in-person interviews.What should your in-depth gap story cover? Ideally, youll have spent your unemployment p roductively. Emphasize volunteer work, voluntary training, schooling, and any other activities that kept your skills sharp or introduced you to new skills.If you took time off to raise children or care for a sick loved one, you can talk about the transferable skills you learned from these scenarios, like the logistics of coordinating care or the customer tafelgeschirr skills you picked up while parenting.If you look back at your unemployed time and cant seem to find any productive periods, youll need to start playing catch up right away. Volunteer for organizations that are relevant to your desired role. Take some online learning courses to brush up on your skills.Anything you can do to contribute to your professional acumen will make your period of unemployment that much less of a problem to prospective employers.2.Leverage Your NetworkIts estimated that as much as 85 percent of all jobs are filled through networking rather than blind applications. Networking is important for job s eekers at any stage of their career and in any situation, but its especially critical for those who have been away from the workforce for a while.Networking allows you to make personal contact with hiring influencers at target organizations. The personal aspect of these connections is why networking matters When decision-makers know you on a more personal level, theyll have an easier time overlooking your employment gap.Start by getting in touch with contacts already in your network. Invite them out to coffee or lunch your treat, of course to talk shop. You want to be upfront about your search for a job so that they can point you in the right direction. However, you need to remember that networking is a two-way street.You have to be prepared to offer some sort of value to your contact in return, if you havent already helped them out previously. You may not be able to provide such value at the time, but you definitely need to keep your contact in mind for when you have opportunitie s to return the favor down the road.You should also reach out to what Elissa Kuykendall of career support firm ArcVida calls near-peers. These are people at target employers who are at your desired level or a step above your desired level. These people can help you get your foot in the door at companies for which youd like to work.Start the relationship off by requesting informational interviews with near-peers. In these interviews, your goal is not to aggressively pitch yourself for a role instead, you want to learn more about the organization and its culture. Nurture these relationships as you would any other professional contact, and they may lead to referrals.3. Go IndependentOne way to get back into the game is to start freelancing in your desired field. As a freelancer, youll likely be able to avoid conversations about your work history. Prospective clients will be more interested in your accomplishments and your portfolio of previous work than in your resume.

Friday, December 20, 2019

5 Ways to Regulate Your Emotions at Work

5 Ways to Regulate Your Emotions at Work5 Ways to Regulate Your Emotions at Work Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a set of capabilities, that allows you to perceive and identify the emotions of other people, while becoming mora self-aware, and in control of your own emotions. Stphane Ct, Professor of Organizational Behavior says, that like all skill sets, emotional intelligence likely has some portion that is innate, but also that it can be developed to some extent with deliberate practice and development in others. In a simple framework , emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to recognize your own emotions, and the ability to use this awareness to manage your behaviors and relationships.While the research suggests that strong emotional intelligence can underpin much of our own success, many people still struggle, especially when it comes to regulating their own emotions. Ct attributes this to the fact that emotional intelligence, as a skill set, is r arely formally taught in school, nor do people have the space to formally develop their emotional intelligence capabilities and receive corrective feedback in the workplace.There are many different things you can do to build a stronger sense of emotional self-regulation, especially at work1. Be mindful of the environments that trigger you. If you know a certain situation will cause you stress and an emotional reaction, try to avoid it if you can, and be selective whenever possible. Ct explains that your emotions will have a strong power over your thinking, so set yourself up for success by creating environments that support you.2. Optimize and calibrate your emotional state for the task at hand, so that your emotions are the appropriate ones. When people are more positive, they are also more creativity. So when you have to do creative work, if you can regulate and make your emotions more positive, youll be able to find more success. Ct explains that sometimes youll have to optimize your emotional state downwards too. For example, if you need to follow guidelines, then you cant be too positive, because too much excitement and creativity could make you deviate. Sometimes, youll have to focus on emotional neutrality in the face of difficult challenges.3. Avoid bottling your emotions when possible. When people suppress their emotions, it can lead to long term burnout, which could negatively impact your career in the long zustrom This does not mean you should be spilling your guts out at the water cooler every day, rather, talk to someone you trust. Turn to trusted friends, coworkers, or even HR, and find ways not to keep it all inside, says Ct.4. Use re-appraisals to find a more positive meaning from events going on. A re-appraisal is a way to reframe an event in such a way that allows you to change your emotional response. For example, if you have to work with someone you consider to be difficult, rather than getting upset, try and see what you can gain from t he situation. You might ask yourself questions like What difficult position might my boss be in? or How might I see the situation from their point of view? You could also benefit from telling yourself Its ok to feel anxious or overwhelmed that its a modell response. This can be hard to do, but consider how you can reframe problems as challenges that can be overcome.When you feel emotionally triggered, the reactive and emotional part of your brain can override the part of your brain that allows for deliberate thinking, and controlled decision making. To become self-aware of when this is happening, notice the physiological signs when you start seeing red. If youre feeling your heart rate speed up, youre feeling hot-headed, and you feel that sense of fight or flight, consider not responding to your colleagues email or request until youve cooled down and can respond in a way that you would not regret the next day Rather than give in to your knee-jerk reaction, slow down, and give you r calm brain a chance to catch up to your emotional brain. A few deep breaths and a walk around the block can go a long way.Emotional Intelligence is no longer a touchy-feely skill to be ignored. In fact, strong EQ can be just as important (if not more) than IQ in some jobs, and can be an important part of what moves certain people up the ladder, when their IQ and technical skills are roughly in line with their peersIf youre hoping to build a successful and sustainable career, dont overlook the power of your own emotions.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to get over your pre-presentation jitters

How to get over your pre-presentation jittersHow to get over your pre-presentation jittersIts no wonder that for many people, the fear of public speaking registersas more terrifying than the fear of death.Just think about where our minds go when were about to give a key presentation and all eyes are on us. So often, what we tell ourselves in this critical moment isnot in any way conducive to presenting well. Then there are our bodies which add some other complications to manage the light feeling in our stomach, the tight, short breaths, and the booming heartbeat. All the while were trying to harness our deepest concentration and fruchtwein eloquent words

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The 5-Minute Rule for Combination Resume Format

The 5-Minute Rule for Combination Resume Format If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Combination Resume Format Next on your resume is going to be an expert summary. Developing a fantastic skills section can help recruiters skim your document quickly to see when you have the qualifications they seek. The skills summary is easily the most important portion of writing a functional resume. Functional resumes are extremely tricky and might or might not go nicely with the recruiters. Online Free Resume Templates provide different styles and formats of resumes which youll be able to plektrum from and write accordingly. It is possible to also see Teacher Resumes. If you want to compose a functional Resume Templates then you are able to take assistance from the below-given sample functional resumes. The creative Resume Templates are extremely helpful to create your zugreifbar CV and Resume. The combination resume format is a hybrid style thats getting more popular as it incorporates the best characteristics of both of the conventional formats and is more flexible. Therefore, its important to figure out the kind of format youd be using to create your resume. The format would likewise be helpful once you have had gained the appropriate experience some time ago and still should be highlighted. The combination format functions as a fantastic option that lets you use a more practical format when ensuring your employers dont dislike it. A functional resume is a kind of resume format which allows you to emphasize your precise job skills and abilities while downplaying any weaknesses you might have in work history. In instances like this, youve got enough experience but not in one specific field. A combination resume emphasizes relevant abilities and accomplishments at the peak of your resume. It resume format would begin with a practical summary of your relevant qualifications, important skills, abilities and relevant experience. How to Ch oose Combination Resume Format To help guide freshers about how to outline their resumes in such a manner which their skills are highlighted in spite of limited experience, were offering a few examples that are custom-made for freshers. A well-written combination resume can be an effective tool for promoting a professional image and receiving a work interview. If youre looking at a nontraditional resume format, its even more reason you need to get it reviewed before you use it in order to apply to jobs. Combination Resume Format Features Everything you would like a prospective employer to understand about you and your capacity to lead is included. As the foundation for the combination resume lies in a balance of information, it doesnt especially underline the work experience or education of the person, its therefore not widely suggested for students or entry-level applicants who may be more interested in the conventional student resume style or entry-level resume format. In c ase the applicant is simply entering the actual estate field, he or she might desire to use a combination resume format. Every applicant has experienced rejection at least one time in her or his life. Up in Arms About Combination Resume Format? You submit whenever you are asking for a new job. The combination resume is a superb pick for professional jobseekers that are seeking to change careers, industries or positions or for candidates that have a specific, well-developed skill set they want to present together with their career trajectory. On the contrary, it focuses on the skills you have developed that fit the prerequisites of the job for which youre applying. Use the work listing for the job that youre applying for to find out what kinds of skills the provider requirements. Combination Resume Format Secrets That No One Else Knows About If youre in a creative position (for example, graphic design), think about using a nontraditional resume. The combination resume forma t may be your very best bet. If youre on the lookout for a combination format resume template, youve come to the correct place. Make certain you pick the appropriate kind of template to fit your need. These templates will allow you to compose a combination resume from scratch. Still, despite the fact that the combination template looks to highlight skills, the reason it is a combination resume is because it permits you to also heavily feature your precise work history. If theres a demand for you to tighten your resume, you can place its margins at the very top and bottom to a half inch. Double check to be sure that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Maybe youve had a good deal of short-term jobs over a little period of time and youre concerned about looking like a job-hopper. You would like to do something considerably different from your present job. The Little-Known Secrets to Combination Resume Format Most resumes incorporate the next sections, e ven though the order is dependent upon the resume format you pick. If youre asking whats the ideal format to utilize in 2018, then the chronological format is the solution. The chronological resume format has become the most popular. Deciding upon the right resume format will be able to help you make a professional presentation, but the content is likewise very important. Irrespective of format, your resume should start out with your name and contact information so employers can readily get in touch. It is possible to then replace the info found in the numerous sections with your information. Optional information includes listing your mailing address and links to internet portfolios, which could be beneficial based on your industry. Make sure that youre using recent and accurate info, including your existing phone number and email address. Actually, sometimes you might keep what youve written and just alter the titles to produce a resume more appealing for certain business es. When it has to do with writing career change resumes, there are a few guidelines listed below that can help make your resume writing much simpler. Thus, the combination format of resume writing is the ideal option for you in the event you wish to highlight certain abilities and experience whilst giving your full educational and career history in a chronological sequence. When picking a resume style to compile ones work history, its important that you know when to use a specific style.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Whatever They Told You About How to Write a Resume for a Job with No Experience Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why

Whatever They Told You About How to Write a Resume for a Job with No Experience Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why A great resume format is simple to scan. Now you have your format picked out, you should place your information in order. Whatever resume format you choose to use, be confident your format remains consistent throughout the document. Each resume format can be helpful, based on your own personal circumstances. What Everybody Dislikes About How to Write a Resume for a Job with No Experience and Why Theres a great chance it wont include all the keywords set out in the work description. There are a lot of stylistic points to think about during the writing process. Make a list of absolutely whatever youve done that may be useful on a resume. Of course you may also be searching for a different job because of personal explanations. Different job postings are likely to have different keyword phrases, different job duties listed, and so forth. You have to have that little a dditional something that is likely to make your resume stand out. Finding a job can be difficult for everybody, even an extremely professional professional who has successfully navigated several job changes. Remember a recruiter doesnt have the time to sift through the upcoming great American novel. So How About How to Write a Resume for a Job with No Experience? Indeed, success isnt measured by the position that youre in, today but the sum of hard work which you put in and the amount of obstacles that you overcome to accomplish your objective. Hard work, complimented with an intense urge to struggle and to attain success is the sole sure shot way of reaching success that youve always desired. Consider it, rather, as a chance to showcase the awesome things youve done in your career and an opportunity to begin a conversation with a possible employer. For this reason, you have to bear in mind there are no short cuts to success. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, ly ing on your resume is always a poor idea. Also important to not forget is to pay attention to verb tense. There are lots of times as soon as your life experiences come into play and assist you in making the appropriate assumptions. Technically, theres no correct or wrong means to list your experiences. For an objective statement, concentrate on the particular job you need or an overall job type and highlight your qualifications. If you are in need of a quick kick-start on developing a template first, take a look at a resume builder before choosing a professional. The target job title appears at the peak of your resume, immediately following your contact details. Therefore, when you sit down to compose your first resume, attempt to consider your prior jobs in a new light. Dont forget the idea of Less Is More and filter the information that you put in your job program, only including the relevant specifics. On the official PERC application form you will discover a list of com panies which offer electronic fingerprinting services. Choosing which to use is dependent upon the sort of job that you are applying for and your degree of experience. After payment of the fingerprinting costs youll be provided a receipt that ought to later be submitted together with the application form. The position youre applying for just seemed as a fantastic match for your skills, you truly feel like its an exciting opportunity and you opted to do it. If youre applying to be a manager, having leadership abilities or poise would be quite beneficial. There are dozens and dozens of possible skills to think about using. Learn about the three kinds of skills its possible to highlight and the way youre able to incorporate them into your resume.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Alternative ways to get into university

Alternative ways to get into university The Alternative Ways To Get Into UniversityPosted October 13, 2011, by Helen IsbisterThere is a traditional way to get into uni study hard in high school, neglect all social interaction and ensure your final mark is higher than that of all your peers so you can get into the program you want. However, if youve fallen short of the cut-off, there are some alternative pathways you can take to end up with your desired degree. Some of these are designed to boost your mark, while some will take factors other than your mark into consideration.Choosing the best uni pathway for you is an important and sometimes complicated decision. Dont hesitate to talk to your school career counsellor or ring up and talk to the university about whats on offer.Keep tryingIf at first you dont succeed wait for the second or third acceptance rounds. If demand isnt as hot for a course as anticipated, you may be accepted in a later round. If you miss out on those, theres s till the vorkaufsrecht of waiting until mid year to reapply when the acceptance criteria are different. If you dont have all the prerequisites needed to enrol in a course, spend the summer holidays doing a bridging course so you have the required credits.Educational access schemes (EAS)If your mark is within five points of the one needed to get into your course, you may be able to apply for flexible entry. EAS programs are designed to provide assistance to students who have faced educational disadvantage through their final years of high school. That may be a disability, living in a remote area, financial difficulties, or a death or illness in the family.Fee paying coursesIf you are prepared to cough up some cash to bridge the gap between the mark you have and the mark you need, full-fee paying courses (rather than HECS) could be your ticket to enrolment. It will cost you more money, but it will prove to be money well spent if it serves as the conduit to your dream career.Study onli neAnother option is to study a degree or other qualification online. There are a plethora of online courses available, many of which do not have prerequisites. You can study with a university, TAFE or other type of education provider depending on what qualification youre after. To see the full range of online courses available, browse our courses here.Open Universities Australia, for example, offers vocational, undergraduate and postgraduate courses from leading universities and other tertiary providers in Australia through online and distance education.OUA courses are open entry, meaning there are no prerequisites. You could obtain a degree from a university such as Monash or RMIT University by studying online or you could study the first-year units of the degree online and then apply to study on campus in second year. And Australian citizens are eligible for the Government loan FEEHELP, which means you do not need to pay unit costs upfront. If youd like to know more, fill out an enquiry form for the course that interests you.Go the back roadA good way to get into the degree you want is to enrol in another course at the university and then apply for a transfer. Go for a course in a similar stream but with a lower entry mark and if you study hard and get good marks in that, the university may be willing to transfer you over.Also, dont rule TAFE out of the equation. A diploma can be counted towards credit at university, and many private colleges also have agreements with universities so you can transfer over once youve started your course there.STATThe Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) is a national test designed to access competencies such as the ability to understand and think critically about issues considered important for success in tertiary study. Many universities use STAT as part of their admission procedure, so you can use it to supplement your mark.Non-award coursesNon-award courses or foundation studies are run by universities and are similar in content and assessment to units offered in its degrees. Satisfactory performance in a set of these units can be used to apply for entry into an award course.Back to schoolIf you were unable to resist all the not-so-academic temptations high school had to offer, then maybe you can learn from your mistakes and do better second time around. The option is there to go back to school (as appalling as that idea might initially seem) and sit your final exams again. The good news is that you can go through TAFE, so you dont necessarily need to jump back into your old school uniform.Leverage your experienceRecognition of Prior Learning (RPL) takes